Sunday 20 December 2009

More snow

It snowed again heavily last night. Didn't fancy driving down the lanes, so donned me boots and me and Willow headed off across the fields to the marshes. A beautiful morning; didn't see a soul until my way back from Buckenham. Counted 53 Hares in the same field as yesterday. Some were in snow holes with only their heads poking out. Not a lot down at the marshes. The local Peregrines were battling an intruding female who eventually powered off east. Several Marsh Harriers abroad, and I had a brief view of a probable Merlin. Two Water Pipits were near the fishermen's car park. No swans this morning. Hundreds of geese were on the move over Cantley way, but too distant to see what they were. Two Pinks were with the local Greylags, which I tried to string into Tundra Beans for a bit.

Later, went down to Cantley. Had a look through a huge group of Pinks feeding near the Cock, but couldn't see the Pale-bellied Brent reported earlier. Had a quick look at the marshes, and found about 70 Taiga Beans to the north of the railway line with 20-30 White-fronts. On the way home it was -3 deg as the sun was setting.

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